Analysis Overview

In this manual you will find a brief description of the analyses available from the Quant Explorer – Analyses menu. In particular, their application is highlighted. A detail description of each analysis can be found in the manual for specific Analysis.

Which are the analysis you can use in Quant?
  1. Top Products
  2. Development Analyses
  3. Placed Products Overview
  4. Shelves Overview
  5. Space Shares
  6. Stores Overview
  7. Category Opportunities
  8. Sales Fluctuations
  9. Duplicate Equipment
  10. Published Planograms
  11. Store Stock
  12. Out of Stock

Top Products

The Top Products analysis allows the best selling products to be followed in selected stores. Quant will provide you with a list of best selling products or products generating the highest profit. In addition, products can be grouped by a certain attribute (e.g. producer) and you can then follow the best product groups ordered by the number of sold pieces, profit or other selling data.

Top Products

In what situation the Top Products analysis can be used?

  • If you wish to find the best selling products across all categories or in selected categories.
  • If you wish to have an overview of the best selling product groups, for example products from each producer. By this you can find out which producers are generating the highest profit.
  • If you wish to find out whether all top products are placed in planograms.

Development Analyses

In Quant, you can see how e.g. profit, sales or other sales indicators develop over a certain period. The development of these indicators can be tracked both for individual products and for entire categories or specific product groups. 

In Quant you can find 3 development analyses: 

  • Product Development: Monitors the development of the sales of individual products.
  • Category Development: Monitors the development of the sales of individual categories. 
  • Product Group Development: Groups products by a certain property. Subsequently, a development of the groups grouped in this way can be monitored. A good example can be grouping by Producers.

In Quant 3 different development analyses are available:

  1. Standard
  2. Year to Year
  3. YTD
1. Standard

The Standard development monitors the number of sold pieces or profit in individual months.

In what situation the Standard development can be used?

  • If you wish to follow the development of profit, sold pieces or other sales data in a specific period.
  • If you wish to follow the development of sales in a short period one day after another. (criteria: Daily, Start Date, End Date criteria)
  • If you wish to follow the sold pieces or the amount of profit for a specified period (per day, month, year...). (criteria: Daily, Start Date, End Date)
  • If you wish to quantify the average profit or the average number of sold pieces over the number of days selected by you and look at the development of such indicators in a specified period. (criteria: Calculate Average Days and Number of Average Days)
  • If you wish to follow and compare the development of sales in individual stores. (criteria: Cumulate Clusters checkbox unchecked)
Standard Development Analysis
2. Year to Year

The Year to Year development allows sales in individual years to be compared. For example, you can compare sales in January 2016 with sales in January 2017.

In what situation the Year to Year development can be used?

  • If you wish to find out whether sales in the same months or for the whole year increased or decreased and by how much.
Year to Year Development
3. YTD

The YTD analysis always compares sales for the whole year in selected years. Only the months whose data is present in all analysed years and at the same time only the months whose data is complete for the whole month are included in the sales. 

In what situation the YTD development can be used?

If you wish to find out whether sales decreased or increased compared to the previous year.


Planogram Products Overview

This analysis provides you with an overview of all paced products in a selected lifecycle state. Thanks to this you can find out what products and how many of them are placed in individual stores.

In what situation the Planogram Products Overview analysis can be used?

  • If you wish to know what products are present in published planograms.
  • A report can be used to order products.
  • You can find out which products are placed in the template but not in the planogram (checked Not Placed Products check box).
  • You can get a list of products from the backstock (checked Not Placed Backstock Products check box).
Planogram Products Overview

If you analyse waiting as well as implemented planograms and the planogram concerned is included in both these states, products placed in the waiting planogram will always be displayed. Thus, you can obtain an overview of products that will have been on display in the store after all waiting planograms are implemented.

Shelves Overview

In this analysis you will get an overview of all shelves for each planogram in a specified store. For each shelf you can follow products present in it or sales generated by each shelf.

This analysis also provides an overview of the entire planogram thanks to which you will be informed on the one hand of products placed in it and on the other hand of products that have not been placed (they are placed in the template but not displayed in the planogram).

In what situation the Shelves Overview analysis can be used?

  • If you wish to know the shelves that generate the highest profit and if you wish to see the products present in such shelves.
Shelves Overview
  • If you wish to obtain a list of all products placed in a specified planogram.
  • If you wish to obtain a list of all products that were not placed in the planogram.
Placed Products 
  • If you wish to know which shelves in the selected planogram are the most profitable or include the best selling products.
  • If you wish to know the profit that you lose from products which were not placed into the planogram.
Shelves Overview

Space Shares

The Space Shares analysis is primarily used for the comparison of space taken up by products belonging to selected categories in a specified store, and sales (profit, sold pieces or other sales data) that the given products generate. Thanks to this analysis you can easily discover whether the given category is underestimated or overestimated in terms of space assigned to it in planograms.

In what situation the Space Shares analysis can be used?

  • If you wish to compare sales in a specified category and space that category takes up in planograms.
    • The category is underestimated in terms of space: you can discover what products are not displayed at all or what products generate high sales and deserve larger space.
    • The category is overestimated in terms of space: you can discover what products that are displayed have very low sales and you can consider their discarding from the planogram.
Space Shares Analysis
    • If you wish to compare the sales of producers (or other product groups) in the given category and the space that is provided to them in planograms.
      • The producer's products are underestimated in terms of space: you will get a list of the producer's most profitable products but also their products which are not on display.
      • The producer's products are overestimated in terms of space: you will get a list of the producer's least profitable products and you can consider discarding such products from the planogram. 
Product Groups

Stores Overview

This analysis allows the utilization of the store space to be monitored. It displays the share of floor size and used floor size. Used floor size refers to the floorplan which is covered by for example the equipment or counter.

In what situation the Stores Overview analysis can be used?

  • If you wish to find out how much is the floorplan covered. 
Stores Overview 

The analysis will provide meaningful results only if the Floor Size attribute is filled in the store properties.

Category Opportunities

The Category Opportunities analysis provides a detailed comparison of the space assigned to the given category in the store in the form of equipment and sales of all products of the category concerned. In addition, you can follow comparison with the benchmark sales and see whether the sales realized by the store in the given category are rather below or above the average compared to the other stores. Thanks to this analysis you can better optimize the space assigned to individual categories in the store.

In what situation the Category Opportunities analysis can be used?

  • If you wish to find out whether a given category is provided sufficient space in the store in terms of equipment.
  • If you wish to compare sales of a category in the store with the average values of sales in all your stores (or in the stores that are included in the Benchmark in Quant).
Category Opportunities 

Sales Fluctuations

Thanks to the Sales Fluctuations analysis you can monitor products whose sales have been fluctuating recently. Under certain circumstances these can be products that are not on display as e.g. the staff forgot to put the products on shelves. In this case the product has had zero sales for several days although the customers’ interest in this product has not dropped and you lose the margin related to this product. In this way you can find out what products are concerned and let the store know to check whether the products concerned are on display. 

This analysis is also related to the Sales Fluctuations notification by which you can regularly inform the stores of products whose sales have dropped recently.

Link: Learn more about the setting of the Sales Fluctuations notification in the Sales Fluctuations Notification manual.

In what situation the Sales Fluctuations analysis can be used?

  • If you wish to know products whose sales have been fluctuating.
  • If you wish to send the stores a report on products whose sales have dropped recently to allow the stores to check whether such products are on display.
Sales Fluctuations

Duplicate Equipment

Thanks to this analysis you can discover whether any items of equipment are duplicated in the floor plan in Quant. It can happen that you place two identical items of equipment next to one another by mistake without realizing it. This report will inform you of the equipment concerned and of the stores where it is located. In addition, by using the Show in Store button you can display the equipment in the floor plan and delete it.

In what situation the Duplicate Equipment analysis can be used?

  • If you wish to check whether there are any duplicated items of equipment in the floor plan.
Duplicate Equipment

Published Planograms

In this analysis you can get an overview of the number of planograms not yet implemented in a given store although their date of implementation has expired.

In what situation the Published planograms analysis can be used?

  • If you wish to acquire an overview of planograms in either waiting or implemented lifecycle state in each store.
  • If you wish to see which products are placed in the published planogram in a given state of the lifecycle.
  • If you wish to see unplaced products from published planograms.
  • If you wish to check the published planogram with the real status of the planogram in the store.
Published Planograms

Store Stock

In this analysis, you can get an overview of thestock of products in each store. You can analyze individual stores or product categories.

In what situation can you use the Store Stock analysis?

  • You want to find out what is the stock of products placed in the published planograms in individual stores.
  • You want to find out what is the stock on the way of products placed in published planograms in individual stores.
  • You want to find out the total store stock of the product in all stores (Cumulated tab).
Store Stock

Out of Stock

In this analysis, you can get an overview of products which have zero Stock Level and are placed in planograms.

In what situation can you use Out of Stock analysis?

  • If you want to get a list of products which have zero Stock Level in a given store, even though they are located in published planograms.
Out of Stock