MinMax Ordering Automatic Task

In this automatic task, you set when inventory levels are to be checked and when orders are to be created. Moreover, you set which products are to be included in automatic orders, from which period automatic orders should take into account sales data and other important settings.

You can find the automatic task in the Automatic task section.

Automatic Tasks - MinMax Ordering

You must enable the automatic task editing option in order to change the settings in the Settings tab. If you would like to turn the editing on, contact us.

MinMax Ordering

In the MinMax Ordering section, essential information regarding orders is set.


Check the stores for which you want orders to be generated. At the same time, it is necessary to have ordering days set in the store in order to create orders for it.


Here you set the product filter. Only products that match the product filter will be included in orders. Quant will ignore other products and will not create orders for them.

Stores and Products

Include all products in the order

If you check this box, all products matching the criteria listed in the Stores and Products items will be included in the order. Products that do not need to be ordered will have a suggested quantity of 0.

Order only products on planograms

Here you can set to create an order only for products that are on planograms.

Specific products

Group Products / Group by

Here you can select the attribute according to which the orders are to be sorted. If you want all products to be part of one order, do not set anything here. However, if you are ordering from suppliers, for example, and you need to divide the order products into several orders according to suppliers, check the Group Products box and set the Producer option in the Group by property.

Group Products and Group By
Respect Max Planned Units

This setting determines how Quant should calculate the Maximum from the planogram. If you check this box, then Maximum will be the number of actually placed pieces in the planogram.

Respect Max Fitting Units

This setting determines how Quant should calculate the Maximum from the planogram. If you check this box, Maximum is the number of pieces that would fit in the shelf if the full depth of the shelf was filled and the number of placed pieces would not be limited by insufficient sales, due to which Quant will not fill the shelf in full depth.

Quant plans to place a maximum of 8 pieces according to sales. Place one piece in width and one piece in height. A maximum of 12 pieces can fit in the depth. The maximum depth on the block is set to 20 pcs. Quant places only 8 pieces in depth, because the planogram is optimized according to sales.

          - Maximum from the planogram when checking the box "Respect Max Planned Units" = 8 pcs

          - Maximum from the planogram when checking the box "Respect Max Fitting Units" = 12 pcs

Respect Max Fitting Units and Respect Max Planned Units

The two settings mentioned above are taken into account when switching on the calculation of automatic orders based on forecasts.

If you do not check Respect Max Planned Units or Respect Max Fitting Units, automatic orders will ignore Max from planograms.


Here you check the states of the planograms from which the Minimums and Maximums are to be taken from the planograms. If you do not check either state, the Minimums and Maximums from planograms will be ignored for the products. This means that if you add, for example, a new product to the planogram and do not set the Minimum and Maximum of the product or category, the product will not be included in the order.

If you check all life cycle states and, for a given rack, the planogram would be published to all three life cycle states, Quant would proceed with the evaluation of Minimums and Maximums from the planogram in the following order: Prepared -> Waiting -> Implemented.

Planogram states

Planogram Products

This section sets whether you want to include only placed products in planograms in orders or, for example, products from the backstock.

Planogram Products


In this section you set what sales data Quant should use to create orders. Predictions are key if Quant is to calculate Minima and Maxima based on the Minimum and Maximum Daily Reserves settings, so that it is clear what data Quant should work with when calculating Minima and Maxima.

Prediction type

You can choose between 2 forecast types:

Naive - a simple forecast based on the average of historical sales over a range of sales times.

Module-based - a more sophisticated prediction based on available sales at all branches over the last 2 years. It creates daily forecasts by considering multiple factors such as day of the week, part of the month, day of the year, etc.

In the Sales Time Range line, you specify the time range for which the sales data should apply.
