Evaluation of Criteria of the Automatic Replacements
Automatic replacements are evaluated based on a variety of attributes.
The criteria evaluation consists of Quant going through all published planograms in all stores and looking for products to be replaced. It is critical to the evaluation from which category the criteria are to be taken. Quant will find the category by looking at the published planogram, the fixture category, or the shelf if it is set to a different category than the entire fixture. Next, Quant looks for the lowest level category that is subordinate to the category on the fixture/shelf that the product falls into. There are 3 situations that can occur here:
- The product falls directly into the fixture/shelf category, not into any lower subcategory - then the criteria from the set category on the fixture/shelf is taken,
- The product falls into a sub-category of the category assigned to the fixture/shelf - then the criteria are taken from the lowest sub-category of the fixture/shelf category where the product falls,
- The product does not fall into the category assigned to the fixture/shelf or any of its subcategories - then the criteria from the set category on the fixture/shelf is taken.
When evaluating replacements, all set criteria are then passed through and additionally not taken into account:
- products that would not fit dimensionally on the shelf
- products that are placed on a different planogram of the store
- products with the "Out of Stock" attribute ticked
- products with the "End of Life" attribute ticked
If the "Available Products" attribute is checked on the automatic task, products that are not in the list of available products in the store are not taken into account.
In the Project Editor, you can check what replacements are offered for each product in the planograms.