Get Started with Document Templates

In Quant, you can create Document Templates for export and printing, e.g. PDFs with published planograms or store floor plans. In this manual you will find instructions on how to create a new template and what properties can be set for the template in the Document tab. There is also a brief description of the structure of the Document Template Editor, which is used to create the appearance of the selected template.

What you can find in this manual?

How to create a new template?

A new template is created in the Document Templates section. Depending on the document you want to create (PDF for a published planogram or for a standalone planogram or for a store floor plan), select the appropriate tab and click the New button here.

New document templateYou can currently create document templates in the following tabs:

  • Published Planogram - PDF export of the published planogram (e.g. in the lifecycle in the Project Editor, on the web when exporting prepared, waiting or implemented planograms).Standalone Planogram - export of a planogram from Quant Desktop from Standalone Planograms section.Store - export the store floorplan, e.g. from the Store Editor or Quant Web.

Document Template Editor Structure

Clicking on the New button opens the Document Template Editor, which is divided into several sections. On the left is a toolbar that can be used to insert individual components into the template. In the middle is a preview of the template itself, where the components are inserted. On the right are tabs that are used to navigate through the document.

The selected planogram preview is only an example. It will be replaced in the exported file by the planogram for which you are exporting the file.

Document Template Editor


In the Document Template Editor you will find the following tabs on the right:

  • Document: In this tab, you can see the basic details of the template, such as its name, when and by whom it was last modified, or a note. An important attribute is the Preview Planograms (Store), which allows you to choose which planogram (floor plan) will be selected as a preview in the template.
  • Pages: In this tab you can switch between template pages. For each page, you can select the paper size and orientation, margins, and a custom page title. 

Document Pages

  • Component: This tab serves as the component toolbar. After selecting a component, you can edit its properties, such as specific planogram properties, what properties should be in the product table, etc.
  • Tools: Used to manage tools from the left panel, such as the Rectangular Array.

Use the toolbars on the left to insert, edit, mirror, copy or rotate individual components in the template. Depending on the document template you are creating, you can insert different components. For example, for planograms, you can insert a planogram or a product table into the template. For a store document template, you can add a store floor plan, a fixture table, or a fixture preview. You can also add images, labels, PDFs or attribute values (planogram name, store name, page number...) to documents.

Document Tab

You edit the basic properties for the created document template on the Document tab.

  • Preview Planogram (Store): Here you can select which planogram or store (depending on the document type) to use as a preview in the Document Template Editor when creating a template. We recommend setting this right at the start so you have an idea of what the resulting PDF will look like.
  • Name: the name of the document template. If the user has access to multiple templates for a given PDF export, the name will be displayed in the export selection.
  • Active: if you check this box, the template can be selected for planogram export.
  • Note: you can write your own note on the template here.
  • Desktop Access: select the users or groups that can use the template for export within the desktop. It also determines who can see the template here in the Document Templates section or who can edit it.
  • Web Access: select the users or groups that can use the template for export within the web interface.

Document tab