Shelf Labels Page

In the Shelf Label Editor, you can set both the appearance of the shelf label itself and the format of the entire shelf label page to be printed.

In this manual you will find the following information:

  1. Page Settings
  2. Setting the measurements of the shelf label
  3. Objects on the shelf label page

The shelf label page is set in the Page tab. You can edit the attributes of the whole page in the right part of the window, or you can set the measurements of the shelf label here if you click on the selected row in the shelf label measurements table at the bottom of the window.

Page tab in the Shelf Label Editor

Page settings

If you are creating a new shelf label, the Page tab displays the default settings. These settings can be changed using the attributes on the right.

Page Attributes

The shelf label is always the space created by intersecting the lines with the smallest measurements.

Setting the measurements of the shelf label

In addition to the full page preview, you will find the Shelf Label Measurements table at the bottom. This section is used to create the measurements of the shelf labels. The preview will create lines according to the measurements you specify. It is also possible to create multiple measurements to create a space in which the shelf label will be located and a space in which, for example, only notes for store staff can be written, but which will later be cut from the price tag or highlighted. 

Click on a measurement in the lower table to activate attributes on the right side that you can change.

Shelf Label Measurements

Objects on the shelf label page

At the top of the window, you will find tools that can be used to insert objects into the page: 

    • Static Text - allows you to insert a field that you can set to any text.
    • Image - allows you to insert an image on the page.
    • Print attribute - allows you to insert an attribute that can display, for example, the print date, page number, number of pages of the entire exported document, etc.
Attributes of Shelf Label Page