Shelf Label Basket
Users can add any shelf labels to the shelf label basket to create a set of shelf labels for export and printing. This gives the store a free hand in case it needs to reprint shelf labels of some products, e.g. because they have been destroyed or lost.
In this manual you will learn:
- How do you add shelf labels to the basket?
- How do you export shelf labels from the basket?
- What tools can you find in the shelf label basket?
- How do store personnel know where to find a product whose shelf labels they have printed?
How do you add shelf labels to the basket?
- In any product table, select the products whose shelf labels you want to add to the basket.
- Click on the Add shelf labels to the basket button.
Shelf labels can also be added directly via the search box.
Export of shelf labels
You can easily export the shelf labels in your basket. You can export all shelf labels in the basket (All button) or only the marked shelf labels (Marked button).
Tools in the shelf label basket
Shelf labels can be manipulated in the basket using these tools:
- Clear - empties the entire basket of shelf labels, i.e. all shelf labels will be deleted from the basket.
- Remove - removes only the marked shelf labels from the basket
- Change Count to - if you want to have multiple shelf labels of the same product in the exported file, just select the product in the table and set the number of shelf labels and click on the Change Count to button.
- History - for a selected shelf label row (not a marked one), show the history of the shelf label (When was it added?).
Shelf labels cannot be added to the shelf label basket for products that do not have a price filled in (brown pictogram) or do not have a shelf label type assigned (red mark).
Store staff can use the web to assist in the placement of shelf labels by locating the product in the floor plan or planogram. The Planogram and Floor Plan links are used for this purpose.