Global Task Settings
Task settings are used to define the basic properties that tasks should have for different groups of users.
Task History Allowed
Here you select the users who can see the task history. The selected users have an overview of who changed what, when and what on the task.
Task Links Allowed
Selected users can link tasks together.
Drafts Allowed
Selected users can create tasks in the Draft state. Only the user who created the task can see the draft. Later, a task in the Draft state can be deleted or switched to the New state.
Automatic In Progress
For groups of users selected here, the task will automatically switch from New to In Progress if they open and view the task. Users then don't have to switch task status themselves and you can see that the task is already being worked on (at least someone has viewed the task and knows about it).
Can Stop Progress
Here you select users who can pause the task and reopen it. For example, to switch the task from the In Progress state to the New state.
Can Reopen Task
Here you select the users who can reopen a completed task. For example, switch from the status Completed or Resolved to the status In Progress or New again.
Due Date Colors
In the Due Date Colors section, you select what font and background colors will be displayed on the site based on whether the date was, is, or will be. You can make the table more colourful for the user, for example, so that all tasks that are past their due date are highlighted in red in the Due Date column, all tasks whose due date is today are highlighted in blue, and tasks whose due date is still in the future can have a black font. You can set both the background color and the font color. In our example, only the font color is set.