Task Contexts

The advantage of the integrated Task Management in Quant is the ability to relate a specific task to a specific context. The person reporting the task can report it to a specific planogram, product, floor plan or fixture, for example, and the assignees can immediately see what the task specifically relates to.

What are the contexts of the tasks?

Where is the context of the task set?

The task context is set in Task Types. This determines the location from which the task can be created.

Enabled for task context
Task context on web

Task Contexts

This section describes task contexts which Quant offers.


This context is useful for tasks concerning the whole store. It is the most general context which is based on the fact that the store wants to report a problem that is not related to a specific fixture, product or planogram. Hence, it is sufficient that only this single store is identified in the task.

What are some examples of Task Types for the Store context?

  • Error in floor plan - the store wants to report that the floor plan drawn in Quant is out of date and does not correspond to reality. Or, conversely, a Region Manager who inspects stores in his region finds that a store has incorrectly placed shelves. The Region Manager can then create a task for the store to correct it.
  • Floor plan change - head quarters reports a task for the store to make a change to the floor plan layout.
  • Display marketing material - head quarters can create a task for all stores in bulk or for selected stores to display certain marketing material in the store.

Where can a task with the Store context be reported?

  1. On the web interface - you can report a task with the Store context on any open page. The task is automatically always related to the store whose floor plan and planograms are open. If you report the task from the Floor Plan section, the context detail will be selected as Store automatically. In other cases, you usually need to switch to this context, as the context that is associated with the selected page takes precedence.
Context Store on web
  1. In Quant, under the Stores tab - you must select the store/stores for which you want to create a task.
Context Store in Quant

For bulk creation of tasks from Quant, it is useful if the person responsible for the task is automatically set on the task. In this case, the setting on the Task Type Assigned by Stores is used which automatically assigns the task to all store managers.


The Planogram task context is used when specific tasks are reported to a specific planogram(s).

What are some examples of Task Types for the Planogram context?

  • Planogram Error - a store may report that products that are in planograms do not actually fit on the shelf.
  • Display of marketing material - head quarters may instruct a store to change the poster for a given planogram to the current one.
  • Missing marketing materials - a store can create a task for a store with a missing poster to display.

Where can a task with a Planogram context be reported?

On any Prepared, Waiting or Implemented planogram page.
Context Planogram


Use this context when reporting tasks that are related to a specific fixture. 

What are some examples of Task Types for the Fixture context?

  • Broken fixture - a store may report that it has a broken fixture and needs to send a new one.
  • Incorrect fixture - a store may report that the fixture does not match reality (e.g. missing shelves, incorrect dimensions).
  • Marketing materials - head office may task a store to display a promotional leaflet on a shelf.

Where can a task with a Fixture context be reported?

In the store floor plan, simply click on the fixture you want to report a task for and then click on the New Task button.

Context Fixture

Implementation Photo

The Implementation Photo context is used for tasks that are bound to a planogram implementation photo.

What are some examples of task types for the Photo Implementation context?

  • Wrong implementation of a planogram - the category manager wants to inform the store that the real display according to the photo does not match the planogram. This may require the store to reorder the shelf and request a new photo at the same time.

Where can the task with the context Implementation Photo be reported?

  1. On the web interface - on the Implemented Planogram page to which the photo is uploaded.
Context Implementation Photo from web
  1. On the web interface in the Photos section - here you can find the specific photo for which you want to report a task and click on the New Task button next to the photo.
Context Implementation Photo from web 1
  1. In Quant in the Recent Photos section - here you can find the specific photo you want to report a task for and click on the New Task button next to the photo.
Context Implementation Photo from web 2
  1. In Quant under Recent Photos/Implementation Photos - here you can report tasks in bulk for all marked implementation photos.
Context Implementation Photo in Quant


This context is used for tasks that relate to specific products.

What are some examples of Task Types for the Products context?

  • Incorrect product data - for example, the store finds that the product name is incorrectly filled in and can report this to head office.
  • Product out of stock - the product is out of stock, even though the system indicates that there are several units in the store.

Where can a task with a Products context be reported?

  1. From the menu in the Products section (Prepared, Waiting, Implemented or All Products), select the products you want to report and click on the New Task button in the top right corner.
Context Products on web
  1. In the search box, you can search for a product by ID or name and click on the New Task icon.
Context Products on web - search field
  1. In the product details which can be accessed via the search box, and by clicking on the Edit Product button.
Context Products - edit product
  1. Like the Planogram Products context, the Product context can also be reported in the Planograms section in the Products tab. Here you need to select the product(s) to which the task should relate and click on the New Task button in the upper right year.

Planogram Products

Products on planograms are a subset of the Products context. In order to report a task to this context, the product must be placed on a planogram. The general rule is that wherever you can report a task to the Planogram Products context, you can also report a task to the Products context, but not vice versa.

What are some examples of Task Types for the Planogram Products context?

  • Missing shelf label - the store does not print a shelf label for the product, even though the product is displayed. This allows head quarters to investigate the reason why the store did not automatically add the shelf label to the Changed Shelf Labels.
  • Out of Stock product - the product is out of stock even though it is placed in the planogram and the store is supposed to display it.

Where can a task with a Planogram Products context be reported?

The task for that context can be reported in the Planograms section under the Products tab. Here you need to select the product(s) to which the task should relate and click on the New Task button in the top right corner.

Context Planogram Products

Shelf Labels

If you use shelf label management of Quant, you can solve any problems via tasks. A store often finds out that the correct shelf label has not been printed and it needs to be reported to the head office for correction.

What are some examples of Task Types for the Shelf Label context?

  • Incorrect price - the store detects a change in price and prepares a new shelf label for the product. However, the store discovers that the price does not match the flyer, so it must report the problem.
  • Incorrect shelf label type - the store prints out the shelf label that is prepared for it, but it discovers that the shelf label does not fit the price bar. They must report to Head Office that the Shelf Label Type needs to be changed for the fixture.

Where can a task with a Shelf Label context be reported?

  1. In the Shelf Label menu (Prepared or Changed) - highlight the shelf label(s) for which you want to report the task and click on the New Task button.
  2. In the shelf label basket - highlight the shelf label(s) for which you want to report the task and click on the New Task button.

Shelf labels in the basket


You can use the context Form only if you use forms in Quant. 

What are some examples of Task Types for the Form context?

A form can be used as a kind of store check, for example, where region managers visit each store personally and check whether it meets certain requirements. If it does not meet these requirements, the region manager can set up a task for the store to correct the situation.

  • Cleaning - the Regional Manager can report to the store that the floor or the windows are not clean.
  • Out-of-date marketing materials - if the Region Manager notices that the store has an out-of-date poster when he/she checks the store, he/she can assign the store a task to change the poster.

Where can a task with a Form context be reported?

Tasks with this context can always be created in the preview of a specific form on the site for a specific question.

Context Form


You can also report tasks to a specific category.

What are some examples of task types for the Category context?

  • Overstock or Understock of a category - for some categories, for example, you don't want to go into the details of the planogram for now, and you only send the stores information about where in the planogram the category should be displayed, not exactly what products should be in the fixture. A store can then report that it has, for example, an overstock or understock of a given category.

Where can a task with a Category context be reported?

In the search box, you can search for categories by name and click on the New Task icon.

Context Category


If you use chat to communicate with stores, you are often dealing with a specific issue with the store. At some point you realize that it would be better to create a task for the whole discussion thread and assign a solver. The messages at that point become comments on the task. The moment a task is created on that topic, the chat thread will close and nothing can be posted under it. A link to the task will appear under which the problem can be further discussed.

What are some examples of Task Types for Messages context?

  • Any problems you are solving with a store via chat and want to create a task for them.

Where can a task with Messages context be reported?

  1. On the web directly from the chat (Messages window).
Task for messages on web 1
  1. On the web in the Messages menu - after seeing messages from a specific channel.
Task for messages on web 2
  1. In Quant in Messages section.
Task for messages on Quant desktop