Creating a Store

A new store can be created either by importing from the Imports / Store Data, or manually via the New button in the Stores section. The following section describes how to create a store manually.

In the Stores section, click on the New button.

Creating a new store 

The setup wizard will guide you through several steps.

  1. Filling in the properties of the store - here it is necessary to fill in at least the name of the store, otherwise you will not be able to continue. However, you can optionally fill in other properties, or these properties can be filled in later.
  1. If you do not want to upload the technical floorplan, click on the button OK.

  2. If you want to upload a technical floorplan, click on the button Next.

Once you go through the store setup wizard, you will get to the Store Editor which is used to create store floor plan.
  • On the left is a toolbar used, for example, for inserting fixtures, walls, copying or moving with objects. 
  • In the middle, there is a space for creating store floor plan.
  • On the right, there is a navigation section of the Store Editor where all created floor plan layers are displayed. The picture shows that the picture of technical plan has been inserted into the Technical Plan Layer.
Store Editor

