Sales Data Sets Overview

This report allows you to see in which months and for how many days in that month you have sales data uploaded in Quant. The analysis can serve as a quick check after importing sales data.

The report can be found in the menu Analyses/Sales Data Sets Overview.

Sales Data Sets Overview

Each row of the report represents one sales data set (e.g. it can be the sales data of one specific store). Each column represents one month in a given year.

The report shows how many days in a given month the sales of that sales data set were non-zero.

July has 31 days and the stores are open every day. If we want to check whether we have complete sales data for July, the number 31 must be filled in the cell, i.e. there are 31 days with non-zero sales for the selected sales data set.

If you see "0" in the report, it means that the sales data set has no sales for the selected month. So probably the data for this sales data set for that month have not been imported.

Analysis Interpretation

In the criteria on the left, you can set which values in the table you want to have highlighted and marked in yellow, in the Mark Values Lower Than criterion. This setting is useful when you want to see which months have incomplete or no data.

Mark Values Lower Than