Basic Settings of Categories

In the Categories section you can create new categories, edit their properties and determine products that will belong to them.

In this manual, you will find out:

  1. How to create a new category?
  2. How to assign multiple products into a category via Product Filter?
  3. How to individually assign a few products into a category?
  4. How to generate bulk colors for selected categories?
  5. How to bulk edit a property for multiple categories?
  6. How to find out which products belong to a selected category?

The Categories section is divided into two sections:

    • Category Hierarchy
    • Properties

Layout of the Category section 

How to create a new category?

  1. Click on the New button. 
  2. Complete the name of the category. 
  3. Click on Ok.

Creating a new Category


Category properties 

 For every created category you can define the following properties:

    • Category – the name of the category
    • Tag - a tag might be useful especially in the situation when you create a new hierarchy so that you are able to filter all categories in that hierarchy and bulk edit them all.
    • Analyse Only - in this way you can indicate the categories that will serve for analysing only and for which no planograms will be created. Such categories cannot be assigned to any fixture in the Store Editor.
    • Color - the color of the category is very important in the Store Editor where all items of fixture can be displayed in colors according to a category they have assigned in the menu: View / Highlight. In this way you can monitor representation of categories in the store.

How to generate in bulk color for multiple categories?

1. Select the categories for which you want to generate colors. You can also use the Mark All Visible button to mark all visible categories. We recommend setting the colors to a level that contains a maximum of 100 categories. Sub-categories take on the color of their parent category if no color is set on them.

2. Tap on Generate color button to set random color on every marked category. If you want to adjust a color of one category afterwards, just change it manually in the right part of the category parameters.

Generate Colors 

3. The color scheme of the categories is also reflected in the floor plan of the stores, which makes the subsequent work in the Store Editor visually easier.

Colors of fixtures in Store Editor
  • Note
  • POS (Point of Sale) - this indication should be used for the categories whose products will serve as marketing materials. Products in these categories will be displayed in: Products / POS tab

Categorization of products

Once the categories are created, it is necessary to assign products to them. Quant has two tools for this purpose:

  • Product Filter
  • Individually Assigned Products
Product Filter

The Product Filter option allows a quick selection of products that will belong to the category using several compiled conditions and rules. 

Product Filter 

How to create rules and conditions in the Product Filter?

  1. Choose from the following two options:
    – If at least one rule is met, include the product.
    – If all rules are met, include the product.
  2. Click on the Add Rule button.
  3. After adding a rule, a line will appear, this time in relation to conditions that will be created. Select from the following options:
    – If at least one condition is met, include the product – the products will belong to the given category if at least one of the set conditions is fulfilled.
    – If all conditions are met, include the product – if any one of the set conditions is not fulfilled, Quant will not include the product in the given category.
  4. Click on the Add Condition button.
  5. Based on the attributes that are registered in Quant create conditions according to which the given category will be filled with products.
Conditions in the product filter 

We have created two conditions based on which the Fruit Yoghurts category will include products:

– Whose Form equals Fruit.
AND AT THE SAME TIME (the following option is selected: If all conditions are fulfilled, include the product.)

– Whose Name of the default package is Yoghurt.

Example of product filter 

To have the products included in the category according to the filter, you must click on the Save button.

In Quant create a selectable product property, e.g. Category, in which you will fill in an indication for all products that will serve as help when classifying products into categories using a filter. For example, for all products in the Milks category fill in the “Milks” indication in the selectable category property. Then the only thing that you need to do is to use the condition Category = Milks and all products with this indication will be included in this category.

A great advantage of the Product Filter is that if a new product is included in the database and if the product fulfils the conditions of the filter, the product will be automatically included in the given category. It is not necessary to add it manually.

Individually Assigned Products

You can select in Individually Assigned Products line a specific product that you wish to place in the category.  

How to add a product to a category?

  1. Select the category into which you wish the product to be included.
  2. Click in the Individually Assigned Products line.
  3. In the newly appeared window select the products that should belong to the category.
  4. Click on the Ok button.
  5. Click on the Save button.
Individually assigned products 

Important buttons in the Categories section

Important buttons
 Some buttons will only appear after you select the category you want to edit.
  • New - creation of a new category.
  • Save - any change that has been executed must be saved not to lose the created changes.
  • Delete - deletes the category. It is only possible to delete a category that is not assigned to any item of fixture on the floor plan.
  • Edit Marked - this option serves for bulk editing the properties of categories. The procedure for bulk editing:
  1. Select several categories in the table.
  2. Click on the Edit Marked button.
  3. Select the attribute for which you wish to make a change.
  4. Type or select a new value.
  5. Click on Ok.
Bulk editing Categories 
  • Set Parent

Using this button a hierarchy of categories can be created. You can set to the marked category in the table a parent category.

  • Generate Subcategories

For the already created and filled up categories subcategories are generated based on a certain product attribute.

  • Create Hierarchy

This option allows a hierarchy of categories to be created automatically based on attributes registered in Quant.

The categories are then automatically filled with products with relevant attributes.

  • Show All Products

This option allows all products belonging to a given category to be viewed.

Show all products 
  • Custom Properties

You can use this button to create a custom property of the category and create an attribute you would like to record for the category in Quant.

Custom properties