Floor Plan Layers
The store floor plan may consist of components such as walls, counter, fixtures, tags or situation photographs. It is advisable to divide such components in stores into the same logical units using layers, e.g. according to the following example:
- Layer for technical drawing
- Layer for walls and counters
- Layer for racks
- Layer for marketing
- Layers for season changes in fixtures (Winter, Christmas, Summer, etc.)
In this manual you will find:
- How to create a layer?
- What properties you can set to a layer?
- How the layers are shown in the Store Editor?
The layers are shared by all stores and appear automatically in the navigation section of the Store Editor. The layer in a specific store stays empty until it is used in the store.
Floor plan layers are created in the section Stores / Layers. Here you can also define the basic properties of layers.
How to create a layer?
- Click on the New button in the section Stores / Layers.
- Fill in the properties of the layers. It is important to fill in at least the name of the layer.
- Click on the Save button.
Layer Properties
A lower number indicates a higher priority of the layer.
This can be used in the case that several layers are active at the same time to determine which layer has a higher priority at the given moment and should be displayed to stores.
Fixtures layer is active during the whole year and Winter layer is active only from 1.11. to 28.2. If you want to show in this period Winter layer, it is necessary to set to this layer a higher priority than the priority of the Fixtures layer.
- This checkbox is selected as a default setting.
- If this checkbox remains unchecked, you will still be able to edit the layer in the Store Editor, but the layer will not be visible in the Project Editor or on the web interface.
Start Date and End Date
- Here the period during which the layer should be active and displayed to stores is set.
- It is worth filling in Start Date and End Date in particular in the case of season layers (Summer, Winter) that are active only in certain periods of a year.
- Start Date and End Date not filled in indicates that the layer is permanently active.
You will find out more about planning of season layers in the Seasonality Changes in Floor Plan.
Inactive Transparency
- Here, the transparency of the layer in the Store Editor is set in the case that it is not currently active.
- Number 1 indicates the maximum available visibility = the layer is as much visible as the active layer.
- Number 0 indicates the minimum available visibility = none.
Transparency setting is used especially for technical plan layer because we usually want the technical plan to be visible in the background but at the same time the visibility of the technical plan shouldn't be so high so that the floor plan is still well arranged.
Hide on Web for User Roles
- Every layer can be hidden to a certain user role.
- For example, if you decide that the “Technical plan” layer should not be visible to Store Managers, it is necessary to mark the Store Manager user role in the “Hide on Web from User Roles” property for the layer.
Hide in Floor Plan Views
- In the Store Editor as well as on the web interface it is possible to switch between various views of the floor plan (Marketing, Products, ...). Here you can set that a certain layer is hidden in a certain view.
In the Store Editor you can switch between various types of views via the Views menu. For example, in this way you can see the floor plan as it can be seen by Store Managers or here you may switch between views for marketing, products, etc. This will help you to better orientate in the floor plan for other user roles if you are using the hiding of some layers to certain user roles.
Store Editor View
On the right side of the Store Editor you will find the list of all existing layers. When you are planning a floor plan it is recommended to sort components to layers (racks, fixtures should be in Fixtures layer, walls is Walls layer, technical plans in layer for technical plans etc.).
To be able to insert a component into a floor plan, it is necessary to set up a version in the layer. The procedure how to do it is described in the Creating a Layer Version manual.