Quant enables you to create your own look of all notifications sent to the user’s e-mail addresses. Notifications can be set in the Notifications tab.
The Blog Post notification informs the user that a new post has been published on the Blog. In this manual you will find a description of everything that you can set in this notification.
Notifications of polls are intended to inform the user of the fact that a new poll has been published on the web interface or that the deadline by which the poll needs to be completed will soon expire.
Via Quant, the user can be informed of newly published planograms, planograms whose implementation term has expired and planograms whose implementation term is going to expire soon.
The Unread chats notification informs the user that there are unread chats on the Quant web interface.
From Quant you can send orders directly to the supplier via email. The order will be added to the email as an Excel attachment or in other selected format.
Notification Changed Prices informs a user that the prices of some products have been changed since the last notification was sent.
The Sales Fluctuations notification informs of fluctuations in the sales of products. In this manual you will find a description of everything that you can set in this notification.
Task Notification informs you of a new task and update in Task Management.
When a new user is created in Quant, an e-mail notification is sent with his/her username and a link where a password can be set.
Change password notification is send when the user forgets the password and clicks on a button or a link to change it.
Microsoft has announced plans to disable Basic Auth for SMTP. As a result, we recommend setting up a modern method to authentication and authorisation method using OAuth. To set up OAuth in Quant, you need to register a new application in the Microsoft Entra environment.