Automatic Replacements - Product Settings
Product settings are necessary if you want to replace products only with a defined substitute or products from a group of substitutes. If you are satisfied with the category settings, you can skip this step.
- Product Range - product range is a group of similar products at one level (it can be similarity in product type, price, different features, etc.), you define it by a number, where 1 is the lowest range. If you have the Respect product ranges checkbox checked in your store settings or category store settings, Quant will only select candidates of the same or lower ranges. (For example, if a product is set to product range 2, candidates from ranges 2 and 1 will be offered.)
Product range
- Preferred Replacements - if you want to increase the scores of some of the replacement candidates, you can select them here and add the points you want.
Preferred Replacements
- Replace When Stock Is Below - here you can set how low the stock of the product must be before it starts to be replaced. If this field is left blank, the value set for the product category will be taken into account. It is always the case that the value for the product takes precedence over the value for the category.
Replace When Stock Is Below
- Replacement Product - if you don't want replacements to be selected according to selected conditions, but you want a certain product to be replaced by another certain product, use this attribute.
Replacement Product
- Replacement Group - you can set a specific replacement group for each product, for example A, B, C, etc. Only products with the same replacement group will be selected as candidates.
Replacement Group
- Predecessor and Follower - Use this option if you do not want to temporarily replace a sold-out product, but want to permanently replace a product with already discontinued sales. Follower will not only take over the placement in the planograms, but also all sales of your Predecessor.