Running a retail business consists of a vast number of tasks. Quant Task Management is a tool that facilitates their management, improves communication between headquarters and stores, and contributes to the successful functioning of key processes.

The uniqueness of Quant Task Management lies in placing tasks in a retail context.

Thanks to the integration with our space & category management, it is already possible to assign context when creating a task, for example in the form of specific store fixture, product, category, planogram or even a photo of the implementation.

Main benefits of Task Management

Retail Task Management


Task assignments and status are always easily accessible and visible to all participants.


At any point in time, it is clear who is responsible for the task, what the deadlines are and what has been done to solve the task.


Each task type has a predefined primary assignee, but if necessary, there is nothing easier than temporarily delegating tasks to a deputy.

Experience of our clients 3 months after deployment of Quant Task Management

  • After 3 months, 95% of requests were redirected to Tasks.
  • Transparent and more coherent communication. Spamming stopped.
  • Faster response time of stores.
  • Replaceability in the absence of the primary assignee.
  • 100% response from headquarters.
  • Faster than email.
  • They know exactly who they are solving the problem with.

Discover key features of Quant Task Management

Task contexts

If you want to create a task related to broken fixture in the store, it is important to identify the fixture correctly. In Quant, we call this identification the Task Context. In other systems, the user would have to type out all the details from store identification to fixture identification. In Quant you just click on the fixture in the floor plan and create the task, everything else is filled in automatically and a link is created between the task and the fixture. There are many other predefined contexts such as stores, products, planograms or even categories.


In Quant, it is possible to divide a large task into separate subtasks, so that each subtask has its own assignee, deadlines and exact assignment. The number of levels is not limited.


If the status of a task changes, a new comment is added, or a resolution deadline is not met, Quant will automatically send an email notification to all assignees and watchers.

Automatic assignment of the responsible

For each task context, you can easily set who the default responsible person will be. However, it is also possible to set up more complex rules, such as automatically assigning an administrator to a given store in a bulk assignment of a task to multiple stores.

Task types

Users with appropriate permissions can define what types of tasks are available for a given context. For example, for the context Product, it is possible to define task types such as Overstock, Understock or Wrong dimensions. For the Fixture context, we can define task types such as Broken Fixture, Missing Fixture or Wrong Dimensions.

Linked tasks

If your task is related to another or it depends on solving a subtask, you can easily link them.

Photos and their annotations

Photos can be attached to tasks as well as annotated directly. With the built-in editor, it's easy to add graphics to a photo, mark a specific part of a photo or add text.


Comments can be added to each task and the entire discussion history is always available to all interested parties.

Bulk assignments

Need to assign the same task to a group of stores? There's nothing easier. Quant allows you to enter a task in bulk and track the status of the solution for each store individually.
In 2021, we managed to deploy a new Quant module for task management. The main benefits are transparency, compliance, faster response time and a clear definition of responsibilities. We have positive feedback from both headquarters and stores.
Linda Michaličková / Category & Merchandising Manager
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