Sales Data Settings in the Store Editor

The space of the store should be optimized based on sales realized by the store to maximize the value of selling space. The key to success is to assign an adequate amount of space corresponding to sales to individual categories. To be able to proceed to the space optimization in Quant, first sales data for every store must be set correctly. This manual will help you to do this.

Sales data uploaded by the store and the respective store must be matched in Quant.

The settings can be found in the following menu: Store Editor / Store / Sales Data Settings. You can use a keyboard shortcut CTRL+W (CMD+W).

Sales Data Settings in the Store Editor
Start / End Period

Here, you set the period from which sales data for the given store should be taken. In this case, the store considers sales data starting from October 2015 to September 2017.

Store Specific Clusters

Here, IDs of sales belonging to the store should be assigned. For example, for the Prague store, whose ID is 435, sales with the same ID (435) should be uploaded. Therefore, this ID should be set here.

Benchmark Clusters

The clusters used as benchmark for the respective store in terms of sales should be selected here. This setting can be used in several ways:

  1. If you wish to compare the store with the entire chain, all clusters should be set as the Benchmark Clusters and you will see whether the store is average, excellent or underperforming.
  2. In the same way sales of the store can be compared to only stores in the region concerned (and not to the whole chain).
  3. If no sales data for the store is available (in the case of a new store), the Benchmark Clusters may refer to a store (or several stores) that are as similar as possible to be able to optimize the store space according to the sales of similar stores. 

The setting of the Benchmark Clusters will become evident in the Floorplan Overview in the Store Editor (see the last figure in the manual). 

Benchmark Store

In this criterion, you can select one store to which you wish the respective store to be compared in terms of space. This option can be used in the case that you have planned and drawn a store in Quant and you wish to apply the same space layout to other stores without comparing their sales. In such a case, the store that has been drawn can be set as a benchmark store. In this case, the space of the Prague store will be compared with store Brno. This setting is relevant in the case of monitoring the Floorplan Overview in the Store Editor (see the last figure in the manual).

Ignore Follower Products

Products are sometimes set followers in Quant. This setting option is used if one product is being phased out and replaced by a new product. In this case it is advisable to use the predecessor's sales history to count the sales of the new product together with the sales of the previous one to make it easier to assess how well the new product will sell. Sometimes you require that category sales results include only the sales of the respective product and not the sales of its predecessor or follower to eliminate the situation where one product is duplicated in the category. If you do not use predecessors and followers in Quant, you may ignore this checkbox completely.

Booking Types

The booking type option specifies the method by which the product was sold – whether it was sold, for example, on prescription (at pharmacies), over the counter or ordered via e-shop. If you distinguish individual booking types, then for the needs of analyses, only some of them can be used. However, if you upload no data on booking types to Quant, you can ignore this setting option as well. In such a case, the Other option will be available instead of Booking Types.

Sales Data Settings

Setting of sales data for the store also affects the monitoring of sales in the Project Editor when preparing planograms. Sales data is always set also for the project to allow planograms to be optimized based on it. To be able to view sales data in the Project Editor, it is necessary to set at least Store Specific Clusters. The other criteria in sales data settings are intended for the monitoring of analyses directly in the Store Editor.

Floorplan Overview