Table Chart

There are many tables in Quant that can be used for further analysis. The Table Chart tool is good for this purpose. You can choose there interesting settings and display the data so that it is easy to read for each user.

Using a chart table

In this manual you will find:

  1. Show table chart
  2. Table chart criteria
  3. Chart types
  4. Save settings to the library
  5. How to save the chart as an image?

Use of the most frequently used charts:

  1. Ring chart
  2. Pie chart
  3. Bar chart
  4. Line chart

Show Table Chart

For each table in Quant, the Table Chart tool can be opened in two ways: by using the icon or by right-clicking above the source table.

Show Table Chart

For easier work with the graph, it is advisable to first determine which data will be displayed in the table. You can first edit the table in a few simple steps:

  • Show only the required columns: right-click on the column name and select the Select visible columns option.
  • For example, sort numeric data from largest to smallest.
  • You can also apply optional filters in the column header and select values greater than 0, for example.

After clicking on the Table Chart icon, a new window will open where you can set the chart criteria and chart type.

Table chart criteria


Use this attribute to name the chart, and the name will appear above the chart. It will also be possible to save the settings to the Library under this name.

Swap rows with columns

If 2 different values are to be compared for 1 supplier or for 1 product, it is advisable to display them side by side. Checking the Swap Rows with Columns attribute swaps the legend values to achieve the desired display.

We are interested in comparing the share of units sold and the share of GP1 by supplier. In the first image, the Swap Rows with Columns attribute is not selected. The graph will be divided into 2 parts according to the selected compared values. However, if we check the attribute, the values will be displayed side by side according to individual suppliers.

Swap Rows with columns is NOT checked 
Swap rows with columns is checked 
Legend column

Column names are retrieved from the header of the source table which can be used to name the legend column.

Legend columns and value columns according to the source table
Legend column
Data columns

The most important point is to select the values to be displayed in the graph. Click on the Data columns attribute to check the desired values.

Data columns
Chart types

By selecting the appropriate type of graph, you will achieve a better visual presentation of the data.

Chart Type

Employment of the most frequently used graphs

Specific parameters can be set for each chart type. The following examples show the 4 most used types of graphs and their settings.

  • Ring chart

In the Dashboard tab, the overview of stores for which planograms are published is set by default. Some stores show delays in implementation and it is possible to have an immediate overview of them from the ring chart. Just display the table chart in the table and set the parameters according to the picture:

Ring chart

Criteria specific for both ring and pie charts:

  • Hide Zero Values: zero values will not be displayed in the graph. (see picture)
  • Stretch Chart: the graph expands horizontally within the black border.
  • Transparency: you can set the % transparency to create less color intensity.
  • Start Angle: the graph can be rotated as a wheel according to the set degrees.
  • Description of Values: the attribute is written to the names of the slices. (see picture)
  • Exploded Slices: to highlight some slices, you can use this attribute to extrude them from the circle. (see picture)
  • Center Text: placed in the middle of the graph. (see picture)
  • Pie chart

The pie chart is great for displaying space shares. It can be used, for example, for the Planogram Overview table (keyboard shortcut CTRL / CMD + O). In our case, we will examine the proportion of profits placed in the planogram. First, it is advisable to set up the table so that the data that is essential for the resulting graph is displayed. In this case it is GP1%. Just fill in the basic criteria in the chart graph and save this setting in the Library. It is possible to use this setting to compare planograms at different stores. All you have to do is select the required store in the project hierarchy and click on the Show table chart icon in the Planogram overview table. Select a saved setting in the library.

Source table settings in the planogram overview
Use saved settings

The criteria specific for the pie chart are the same as those for the ring chart and are listed above.

  • Bar chart

The bar chart can be used in most cases. We can use a slightly different view of this graph in the view of the planogram data, where we want to find out the amount of GP1 of the placed products in the planogram.

Bar graph

Criteria specific for both bar and line charts:

  • Horizontal Axis Name: the label is displayed next to the horizontal axis.
  • Vertical Axis Name: the label appears next to the vertical axis.
  • Horizontal: rotates the graph from vertical to horizontal. (see picture)
  • Transparency: you can set the% transparency to create less color intensity.
  • Highlighted Value: you can highlight a value to have an instant overview of which products have exceeded it. (see picture)
  • Highlighted Categories: it is possible to select more categories to be highlighted in the graph in the form of a gray column. (see picture)
  • Show Total: shows a point above the graph for the total value of the selected values.
  • Show Average: shows the average of the selected values using a dot line.
  • Line chart

A line graph is most often used to show the development of sales. For comparison, 2 similar products are selected, for which we are interested in their monthly sales development.

Line graph

The criteria specific for the line graph match the criteria for the bar graph and are listed above.

Save to library

The selected criteria can be saved to the library by clicking on the New button and this setting can then be used for further comparisons.

Save to library

Save as image

The chart can be easily saved as an image for further use. Just right-click on the graph and save the image to the selected file.

Save graph as image