Just three simple steps and you can see the result in a detailed and structured way:
1. Make up the question and the form the answer should have. It is possible to choose whether the poll will be available to all stores or only to stores selected based on a defined criterion or to, for example, producers.
A poll can be created directly in Quant:
2. For stores, the poll will be displayed in the web application and they will also be notified by an e-mail requesting their answer to the new poll. It is up to you how much time you give for completing the poll but if the stores fail to meet the deadline, notifications will be generated automatically. This means that you do not need to send messages to the stores that have not responded yet.
The stores can see at a glance the polls that they have not answered yet.
Answering is not time-consuming as the only thing that you need to do is to select the right option from the provided ones or complete a different answer.
3. And you can see the answers being displayed and evaluated automatically.
Polls will do the work for you. And you can spare time for what is more important.