Automatic Replacements - Category Settings
The category settings allow you to specify whether Quant should automatically generate replacements for a given category, as well as several other attributes that allow you to define exactly how the replacements should work.
- Generate Replacements Automatically - check this attribute if you want to use automatic replacements for the category.
- Only Products from the Same Category - check this box if you want replacements to always be from the same category (lowest level) as the product being replaced.
- Allowed Products -with this attribute you can specify which products can be proposed as candidates, i.e. which products to choose from. However, if you select the option Only calculate score, the selected products will only be assigned a certain score and can therefore be placed higher in the list of candidates.
- Respect Original Products - if this attribute is checked, then if product "A" is already replaced by product "B" and product "B" is out of stock and needs to be replaced, the replacement will be selected according to product "A". If it is not checked, the replacement will be selected according to product 'B'.
- Only Products with Defined Replacement - Check this option if you only want the product to be replaced if you have a specific replacement defined for it.
- Exact Match Replacements Attributes - here you can select attributes whose values must match the product being replaced. For example, if you want products of one brand to be replaced only by products of the same brand.
- Broad Match Attributes - here you can select attributes that will increase the score for products that have the same value as the original products when evaluating replacements. You choose the number of points, i.e. the importance. For example, if you want products from the same supplier to be selected as replacements under ideal conditions, select the Supplier attribute and specify the number of points for it.
- Fixed Candidates Validity and Fixed Candidates - if you have, for example, seasonal products on offer, you can choose a list of fixed candidates and select the period in which they should be valid.
- Max Replacement Age in Days - if you don't want to suggest products that are too old, you can set a maximum age here, this is determined by the Sales Start Date attribute in the product properties.
- Replace Products with Store Stock Below - here you need to set how low the stock of products of a given category must be to start replacing them. This attribute can also be set for individual products and the setting for products takes precedence.
Insufficient stock
- Sufficient Store Stock - here you can set how much stock the store should ideally have for replacements.
- Sufficient Store Stock Points - here you need to select the number of points that will be given to candidates who meet this stock.
- Respect Product Ranges - a product range is a group of similar products (the meaning of the word similar varies across industries, it can be similarity in product type, price, different features, etc.) at one level. It is set in the product properties and in the Category Settings in the stores. You specify it using a number, where 1 is the lowest range. If this box is checked and you have product ranges set up in Quant, then only products of the same or lower range will be offered within the replacements.
You can read more about setting up product ranges in the manuals Automatic Replacements - Products Settings and Automatic Replacements - Category Settings in Stores.
- Minus Points per Product Range Step - If you don't necessarily need the replacements to be from the same product range and you are satisfied with candidates from a different range receiving minus points, leave the box above unchecked and enter the number of points here.
- Price Level Step - e.g. 2, meaning in USD, if the candidate is 2 USD more expensive/cheaper, then the given number of points will be deducted from the score, e.g. 30.
- Minus Points per Product Level Step - the number of points to be deducted for the price level step.
- Do not replace if Sufficient CS - if you are satisfied that products with insufficient store stock are in sufficient quantity in the central warehouse, tick this option.
- Sufficient Central Stock - here you determine what quantity will be taken as sufficient stock.
- Limit measurement change - to fit the replacement product into the planogram, you can limit the resizing.
- Max measurement change - here you set the maximum percentage change.