Lifecycle of Planogram
When you finish designing your planogram it should be published to a certain lifecycle state. Planogram will automatically be in Draft state until you publish it. Please be aware that this state will not allow planogram to be accessible in Quant web interface.
In this manual, you will find:
- What life cycle states does Quant offer and what do they mean?
- How to publish a planogram?
- How do you find out what planograms are in the stores and in what state of the lifecycle they are?
- How can you mark several planograms in bulk directly in the Hierarchy tab (eg all planograms of the same store) and then publish them?
Planograms are published to the lifecycle state in the Project Editor in the Lifecycle tab.
Lifecycle tab in the Project editor
Quant offers four lifecycle states:
- Draft - a planogram that has not yet been completed and is therefore not even accessible via the Quant web.
- Prepared - a planogram that does not need to be implemented yet.
- Waiting - a planogram that is current and the store must implement it by a certain date.
- Implemented - a planogram that was implemented in the store and the store confirmed its implementation.
Published planograms are highlighted in the store floor plan for easier orientation:
- Prepared - blue arrow.
- Waiting- red arrow.
- Implemented- green arrow.
Highlighted published planograms in the Project Editor
When the planogram is not yet published in the Prepared, Waiting, or Implemented state, it will not be accessible through the Quant web.
How to publish a planogram?
- Go to the Lifecycle tab.
- You must mark the planogram(s) you want to publish in the lower table.
- Click Publish as Prepared or Publish as Waiting, depending on the state you want to publish the planogram to. The buttons are located above the bottom table with the list of planograms.
- Select the date by which the store should implement the planogram.
- You can check the Implementation Photo Required box. If you check it, the store will have to upload a photo of the implementation when confirming the implementation on Quant web.
- Click on Ok.
Publishing planogram as Waiting
After publishing, the planogram moves to the appropriate lifecycle field in Quant.
Waiting planogram
By publishing, you publish a planogram on Quant web.
If you log in to the Quant web, in the Floor Plan menu you will see the floor plan of the store, where the red arrows indicate the fixtures for which a planogram has been published to the Waiting state (blue arrows indicate the prepared planograms and green arrows indicate the implemented planograms).
Waiting planograms on Quant web
The store on Quant web will see these waiting planograms which it should implement by that date.
For information on how the store confirms the planogram implementation on Quant web, see the Confirm Planogram Implementation manual.
Other options in the Lifecycle tab:
- Prepared to Waiting - moves the planogram from Prepared state to Waiting state.
- Confirm Implementation - confirms the planogram implementation.
- Approve - approves the implementation.
- Archive - moves the implemented planograms to the archive, the remaining states of the planograms remain unchanged.
- Require Implementation Photo for Prepared / Waiting - in case you forget to check the Implementation Photo Required when publishing planograms in bulk to the Prepared / Waiting state, click on this option to change the settings and the implementation photo will be required.
- Photo Implementation Optional for Prepared / Waiting - in case you accidentally check the Implementation Photo Required when publishing planograms in bulk to Prepared / Waiting state, click on this option to change the settings and the implementation photo will not be required.
- Change Earliest Implementation Date - changes the nearest possible date for planogram implementation.
- Change Latest Impl. Date for Prepared / Waiting Planograms - changes the latest date for implementation of planograms that have been published to the Prepared / Waiting state.
- Change Planogram Properties - allows you to change properties of already published planograms, such as the possibility to display the number of packages in depth, the number of packages in width, the product position number, or to display product labels for all products or only for products that do not have a picture.
- Remove Prepared / Waiting Planogram - removes the corresponding planogram from the lifecycle.
- Remove Published and Archived Planograms - removes the published and archived planograms.
How do you find out what planograms are in the stores and in what state of the lifecycle they are?
In the Lifecycle tab, you can monitor which planograms are published in the store (even in which lifecycle state it is). For example, you can filter only planograms from one specific store to see what lifecycle status they have been published in. At the same time, very useful columns in the planogram table are Prepared, Waiting and Implemented, according to which it is possible to filter all planograms in a certain state of the lifecycle.
In the table with planograms, we filtered only planograms in the store in Brighton which have not yet been implemented - they are in Waiting state.
Filtering of planograms
You can mark planograms that you want to publish in bulk directly in the Hierarchy tab. Just right-click on a group of planograms in the hierarchy and select Mark Fixtures or Mark Fixtures Exactly. In the Lifecycle tab, all planograms that fall under the entire branch of the hierarchy are automatically marked, and you then publish all these marked planograms without having to search for them in the planogram table in the Lifecycle tab.
Mark Fixtures means that if you have already marked some planograms in the Lifecycle tab, planograms for newly marked fixtures will be marked together with already marked fixtures.
Mark Fixtures Exactly means that only those planograms that you will mark in the Hierarchy tab will be marked.
In the Project Editor we want to publish several planograms to the Waiting state. These are the planograms of the following fixtures: all four Beer and Cider category fixtures, the Drinks category fixtures in four-module variants (12 fixtures in total) and the 6-shelf fixtures, which are the second fixtures from the two-module variants of the Drinks category (4 fixtures in total). In total, we want to publish planograms for these 20 fixtures. Let's mark these fixture groups in the hierarchy, right-click and select Lifecycle Table - Mark Fixtures Exactly. In the Lifecycle tab, these 20 planograms are marked. So just click on the Publish as Waiting button and these planograms will be published.
Option Mark Fixtures / Mark Fixtures Exactly in the hierarchy tab