Product List Comparison

In the Project Editor you can compare several product lists at the same time. You can quickly find out if products in the planogram for two different stores are the same and identify which products are placed in one store but they are not placed in the second store.

This function is available in the following menu: Tools / Product List Comparison

In the following example, three product lists will be compared. In Kutná Hora, Čáslav and Kolín stores there is one equipment with products belonging to the Dairy Products category. Each equipment has a slightly different size so that for example in Čáslav store fewer products than in Kolín store can be placed. The product lists can be compared as follows:

1. Mark all products placed in planogram in the Kolín store.

You can mark all placed products in the planogram by finding a column called Placed and setting a filter True. Then click on Mark All Visible button.

Marking all products placed in a planogram 

2. Click on the Copy Marking option.

Copy marking 

3. In the Tools menu select the Product List Comparison option.

Tools / Product List Comparison 

4. Click on the option Create new product list from pasteboard and give it a name.

5. Complete the name of the product list.

Create a product list 

6. Click on Ok.

The same procedure should be followed in the case of product lists for Čáslav and Kutná Hora stores. Once the three product lists have been created, the Product List Comparison window will look as follows:

Product list comparison