Product Opportunities

The analysis of Product Opportunities is a tool which allows you to find out if you have placed all of the best-selling products.

In which situation can you use the Product Opportunities analysis?

  • You want to get a list of unplaced products in planograms with sales which are better than sales of placed products.
  • You want to find out which products you can replace by products with better sales.

You can find the Product Opportunities analysis in the Project Editor in the menu: Tools / Product Opportunities.

Setting criteria


Select only the categories whose products are to be analyzed.

Benchmark Sales
  • Checked box
    = Quant will take into account the data set in the project in the menu: Project / Sales data settings.
    It calculates the average sales of all checked data set for a given project.
  • Unchecked box
    = Quant will take into account store sales.
Only Optional

Only products with the Optional Priority Level are listed in the table below. This setting can be useful because some products may have lower sales than others but they still need to be placed in planograms in a certain amount. Therefore, they have the Required or Fixed priority set. It is not worth showing these products as possible adepts for exclusion from the planogram.

Value Type

Here you set whether you want the products to be compared i.e. on a basis of the number of pieces sold or the profit.

Exclude Smaller Products

Quant will not list placed products (in the lower table) whose dimensions are smaller than the dimensions of the offered product with better sales. You can thus prevent the offered product with better sales from fitting into the shelf because it is larger than the one placed there.

After setting the analysis criteria, click on the Report button.

The analysis report consists of two tables.

The upper table shows products which are not placed in the planograms, even though they have higher sales than other products which are in the planograms.

  • The column Less Selling Products shows the number of products with lower sales than sales for this product. So you can see how many products with lower sales are placed in the planogram instead of this product which has higher sales and is not placed in the planogram.
  • The column Opportunity shows the highest possible financial opportunity for a given product - how much CZK this product would earn more if it was replaced by a product with the lowest profit listed in the lower table.

In the lower table, after selecting one product from the upper table, a list of all products with lower sales which are placed in the planograms is displayed. According to sales, these products could be replaced by the product selected in the upper table because they have lower sales.

You can double-click on the product in the table below and Quant will redirect you to the planogram where this product is located and highlight it. You can immediately exchange the product for one of the products offered by Quant.

The analysis of product opportunities takes into account planograms and their products that have not been published. Therefore, they are only in the Design state.