
In some situations, it is useful to work with multiple fixture segments at once. If you set up section in Quant, you can then view it in the Project Editor preview of several fixtures at once and create planograms for all fixtures.

In this manual you can find answers to these questions:

  1. How to set the name and position of section in bulk?
  2. How to automatically generate section from category variants?
  3. Where are the section settings displayed?
  4. How to turn on section preview in the Project Editor?
  5. How to work with the product table in the Project Editor when creating a planogram for the whole section?

Bulk section setup in the Store Editor

If you work with large floor plans and need to have several fixtures in one section, you will find a function in the Store Editor that will make this work easier for you. Depending on your settings, it automatically pre-fills the positions and names of the section.

Section Setup

For all marked fixtures, the position in the section and the name of the section are automatically pre-filled.

Section from category variants

If you use section in order to connect racks of the same category, a very easy way for you will be to mark Section from Category Variants in the Projects tab. With this setting, you do not have to fill in the name of the section and the position in the Store Editor. Fixture of the same category creates section based on its variants of categories.

Section from Category Variants

You can check the section settings in: Store EditorComponent tab → Fixture Properties tab.

There are always 2 properties related to section:

    • Section Name: Here you set the name of the section. It is essential that all fixtures that should be part of one section have the same name.
    • Section Position: Here you set a number that indicates the order in which the fixture will be displayed in the Project Editor. If the section consists of two fixtures and you set position 1 for one and 2 for the other, then the fixture with position 1 will be displayed in 1st place in the Project Editor.

We have 2 fixtures with the category Tools in one store. We want to display them side by side in the Project Editor. The pictures show the settings that should be done.

Position settings 1
Position settings 2

For Section, it is essential that all fixtures that should be part of one section have the same name filled in the Section line.

View Section in the Project Editor

If we set up a section according to the procedure described in the pictures below, it is already possible to display the entire section in the Project Editor. You can set on the preview of section in:

    • Project EditorShow Section icon
    • You can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl (Cmd)+M for faster work
Section preview
Position display

When previewing section, you always see planograms for all fixtures within the section. The planogram template always shows the one whose planogram is selected in the section preview (red border). You can quickly click between the planograms for individual fixtures directly in the section preview - you click on another planogram in the preview and a template for it will be displayed.

Planogram template

Highlighting products for a section

It can also be a useful feature to highlight products that are located within the entire section. By default, Quant highlights only products related to active fixture in the table below. However, if you need to see, for example, which products you have located in the entire section (not only in the red-framed fixture), activate this function:

    • Show Products Placed in Section
    • You can use the keyboard shortcut Option+Alt (Option+Cmd)+B for faster work
Highlight products for a fixture
Highlight products for a section