Cropping Images

High quality images improve the quality of planograms and accelerate implementation. In Quant, an integrated tool that helps you improve the quality of product images, is available. The tool allows a batch task of cropping hundreds or thousands of product images to be executed. 

Such images usually include background that is also drawn in planograms. The tool is able to recognize the edges of the product and is able to crop the image in a way separating the product from the remaining part of the image.

Images can be cropped in Quant Explorer on the Product section.

In this manual, you will find answers to the following questions:

  1. How to crop images for several products at the same time?
  2. How to crop the image of a specific product?
  3. How to crop a product image as quickly as possible directly in Project Editor?
  4. How to restore the original image after unsuccessful image cropping?

Crop Image icon

How to crop images for several products at the same time?

  1. In the Products section mark the products of which you wish to crop the images.
  2. Click on the Packages button. Mark again the products and select Crop Images in the new window of Package Manager.
  3. Setting tolerance or transparent background.

Cropping images for several products

  1. Tolerance
    By moving the circle along the scale, a degree of cropping is set. Look at the preview of the image and move the circle to the right until the cropping limit reaches the edge of the product.Setting Tolerance 
  2. Make Background Transparent 
    This checkbox is used for products with irregular shapes. With such products you need to separate the irregular shape of the product from the remaining part of the image (background). By marking the checkbox you will discover that the background of the product image will be transparent (and not, for example, white).

Make background transparent

  1. Before cropping, checking the preview of images to be cropped is recommended. It may happen that for 5 images out of 100 a given tolerance will not be acceptable. In such a case, the products should be deselected in the table, which means that it will not be cropped. 
  2. Click on the Ok button.
  3. If you have deselected several images, because of the fact that the images did not look good after cropping in the preview, the window for cropping will be displayed again and you will see all images of the products that you did not crop in the previous step. For such images you can set a new tolerance value that will suit them better than the previously selected one.

In the figures, you can see how Quant bulk cropped the product images.

Comparing planogram before and after cropping

How to crop the image of a specific product?

Of course, you can crop individual images of products in the images preview in Products section. The principle is the same as in the case of the cropping of images as a batch task.

  1. Select the image in the table containing products.
  2. Click on the Crop button under the product preview.
  3. Set tolerance or transparent background.
  4. Check whether the image preview after cropping looks good.
  5. Click on the Ok button.
  6. Click on the Save button on the bar above the table containing products.

Cropping the image of individual product

How to crop a product image as quickly as possible directly in Project Editor?

When you work with planograms in Project Editor and you come across a product that needs cropping, you can select the product in the template or in the table below and click on the Edit Product button. Quant will redirect you to Product Editor that looks the same as the Products section. Here the product can be cropped by the Crop button under the product image preview.

Cropping image from Project Editor

How to restore the original image after unsuccessful image cropping?

The original image can be always traced via the product history and restored. Under the product image preview, the History button is available. If you click on this button, all saved states of the product image will be displayed and you can click on the Set as Product Image button. This option can be used if you discover that the image has been cropped incorrectly and you wish to restore the original one. Then the product must be saved.

Restoring original product image