
In Quant you can work with multiple types of Packages for one product. You can enter different types fo packaging for the product and enter different parameters (piece, carton, pallet etc.).

In this manual you will learn:

  1. How to create a new package for a selected product?
  2. What properties you can set to a package?
  3. Where the default package for the planogram is set?
  4. How to edit the picture for each package?
  5. How the package settings affect the planogram?

You can define the Packages in Products section → Packages.

Packages settings

Creating a new type of package

  1. Select a product for which you want to create a package.
  2. Click on the New button for creating the new packaging.
  3. Define properties of the package in the property pane.
  4. Click on the Save button. 

New type of package 

The Number of Basic Units defines how many individual products are packed in the given Package. If you have Package with four products, the number will be 4.

A yoghurt Jogo Pineapple is displayed either as one cup (one piece) or a carton package with 16 pieces (4 pieces × 4 pieces). In the table below we have prepared 2 types of packaging.

Carton package

Packaging properties

In the package properties you can set:

  • Packaging - here you set the name of the packaging.
  • Number of Basic Units - the number of pieces occurring in one package.
  • Measurements - in this section you set the width, height and depth of the packaging.
  • Image - in this section you can set how many times the picture should be repeated. It is used if you do not have a picture of the whole package but only one product, so with this setting you can simulate a correct preview of the package.
  • Margins - here you set whether the package should be offset from a certain edge.
  • Image Links - here you cen set the links of images if you use them on your website or e-shop.

Packages properties

Setting the default package for the planogram

Select the Package you want to set as default and click on Make Default button.

This checkbox Default will show what Package type will be used as default. In this case, it will be „Yoghurt“.

Default settings

It is necessary to figure out which Package version will be a default one. The default package should be the package which is displayed the most often. It will be then displayed in the planogram in the Project Editor or Planogram Editor when placing this product into the template. You can later change the default package to another one in the planogram.

Picture Editing

Below the preview of the package image you can find seven buttons:

  1. Change: assigns a new image to the product
  2. Rotate: a new window will appear in which you can rotate the image
  3. Crop: a new window will appear in which you can crop the image
  4. Copy: the image will be copied to the clipboard, then it can be pasted into any document by pressing Ctrl + V (Cmd + V)
  5. Paste: use this button to paste the copied image into the clipboard
  6. Delete: deletes the existing image
  7. History: Displays all images that were previously used for the selected product with the dates they were changed. It is often use when you incorrectly crop a picture of the package and you want to return to the original picture.
Picture editing

If you place a mouse over any button, its function will show.

Package selection in the planogram

In the Project Editor or Planogram Editor, the package that was defined as the default is always inserted into the Template.

Package in Planogram Editor 
 The default packaging can be changed in the Block tab → attribute Package:
Change packages