Product Pictures Import from FTPS

Importing Product Pictures from FTPS allows you to automatically import images into the Quant system from a directory on the FTPS server. This import allows you to import product pictures that are used for rendering products in planograms. Images can be imported from the directory on FTPS where they will be stored.

1. Preparing the files for import

Product pictures must be stored in a directory under a clearly identifiable name with the Primary Product Id or EAN code. Save such named pictures in the directory in png or jpeg format.

Uploaded images on FTPS 

2. Uploading files to FTPS server

Upload the files you want to import into the appropriate folder, e.g. product_images on FTPS.

3. Automatic Task Settings

In the Automatic tasks section, create a new task Import Product Pictures from Directory.

Import Product Pictures from Directory

Before launching the import, you must edit the following attributes in the Settings tab:

  • Check the Enabled attribute to enable the task.
  • Fill the File Extensions.
  • Fill in the Address (Primary Server) line with "", your Username (Primary Server) and Password (Primary Server) for the FTPS server.
  • Fill in the Server Path (Primary Server) line with the name of the folder where you have the imported file stored on your FTP.
  • Set the File Format correctly so that the image names match the corresponding IDs.

Automatic Task Settings


Below is a list of other attributes that you can set as part of an automatic task:

Specifies whether the automatic task is active and data can be sent through it.
Custom name of the automatic task.
Custom description of the automatic task function.
formatted text
    Specifies when to import files from FTPS.    time
long text
Emails for Notifications 

One or more email addresses to which emails with error conditions will be sent.

list of strings
Overwrite existing pictures

If you check this box, images will be imported even for products that already have images and these images will be overwritten with the new ones. 

If the box is unchecked, they will be added to the changes for approval first, where you need to approve the change first if you want the image to appear on the product. 

If the product doesn't have an image, the imported image is saved straight away regardless of this setting.

Ignore existing pictures

Images are ignored and will not be imported if the product already has an image.

If the product doesn't have an image, the imported image is saved straight away regardless of this setting.

File Extensions 
Write all possible extensions that the imported file can contain.
formatted text
Filename Pattern 
Based on the specified expression, the files to be imported are filtered from all files in the destination directory. If there is only one file in the specified destination directory, it is not necessary to fill in the file name format.
Extract Zips 
Check if you have uploaded a zipped file.
Warn if No Files for Import Since 
If no data has been imported since the specified date, you will receive a notification.
date selection
Primary Server Host 
By default "", unless you use your own server.
Primary Server Port 
Standard 21.
Primary Server Username 
Your username in FTPS server.
Primary Server Password 
Your password in FTPS server.
Primary Server FTP Client Type 
Choose the FTP client type.
Primary Server Implicit SSL 
Select if you want to use default SSL. If you do not check the box, explicit SSL for FTPS will be used.
Primary Server Plane FTP 
Select if you want to use an unsecured FTP protocol.
Primary Server Keep Source Files Untouched 
Select if you want the file to remain on FTPS after import.
Primary Server Path 
Write the name of the folder in which the images are located. For example product_images.
Filename Structure
Select the naming structure of the saved images.
Case Sensitive
If the box is checked, Quant will be case sensitive in the import.
ID Matching Attribute
Select the attribute by which you named the images in the directory.
Filename Field Separator
If you want to pair a product image, e.g. by primary ID, but the name also contains other text that is indicated by a separator, you must include it here.
Prefix to Ignore
Specify the prefix before the ID if the filename contains it.
Suffix to Ignore
Specify the suffix after the ID if the filename contains it.
Default Image type
Select whether the images you are importing are front, top or side images or an e-shop image.
Create New Packages
Check this box if you have multiple packages of one product in your folder and you want to create these packages in Quant and pair the image directly to it. Quant will automatically add the other type to the default package. If you only want to import an image to an already created package, do not check the box.
Default Package
If you are adding images to the default package, check this box. Quant will automatically pair imported packages with the default package in Quant, regardless of their name in the imported file.
If the package name is not included in the file name, but we import one identical package for all products, we can define it here.

4. Launching the Automatic Task

Once you have set all the necessary attributes, you can import images immediately via the Launch button or you can wait until the images are imported automatically based on the set Frequency. If the automatic task is complete, a message will appear in the upper right corner indicating the successful import. In the Products section you can check if the images have been correctly imported.

Launching the import 
Product image 

 If the import has not succeeded, in the Execution Log you will find more details about why did the import fail.

5. Execution Log

In the Execution Log tab, you can view a summary of each execution of an automatic task, including statistics, errors, and warnings.

If you select a specific line of the log, you can view its detail via the Show Items button.

Execution Log
If a task ends with an error or warning, you can read the specific error or warning message using the Show Errors and Show Warnings buttons.
Show Errors and Warnings