Planogram Overview
In the Planogram Overview, you can see a detailed analysis of the selected planogram. The tool allows you to see, for example, which products are placed in the planogram and in what quantity, which products were not placed from the template in the final planogram, or how efficiently you have allocated the space in the planogram.
The Planogram Overview can be found in the Project Editor or in the Planogram Editor in menu Tools / Planogram Overview (Ctrl+O or Cmd+O).
The Planogram Overview is always displayed for the planogram which is currently displayed and active
The tool always works with draft planograms, not published planograms.
The Planogram Overview tool is divided into several tabs:
Placed Products
Here you can see which products are located in the selected planogram. For each product you can also see additional information such as which shelf the product is placed in or how many pieces are placed in width, height or depth. You can add additional columns to the table as required.
Double-clicking on a product in the table will mark the product in the planogram template and in the planogram, so you can easily see which product it is.
Placed Product Groups
Here you can group products by different attributes and see which product groups are placed in the planogram. For example, you can see which brands or suppliers are represented in the planogram, etc.
In the Group By row, select which attribute you want to group the products by.
We want to see which producers the products are from and what representation each producer has in the planogram. The figure below shows the procedure.
In the Replenishment tab, you can monitor whether products are placed in adequate quantities in the planogram according to the set replenishment criteria. It only makes sense to monitor the output from this tab if you are using planograms optimized by sales and have set replenishment criteria.
For more information about setting replenishment criteria and the outputs from the Replenishment tab, see Setting of Replenishment Criteria.
Not Placed Products
In the Not Placed Products tab you can see products that are in the planogram template but have not been placed in the final planogram of the store (they are crossed out in the template, see image here). You can also trace the reason for not placing the product.
Shelves Overview
This is a detailed planogram analysis, where you can see how the shelves in the planogram are covered with products and what space is still left or which shelf brings the highest profit.
In the analysis you can track the following values:
- Shelf Length Coverage - what percentage of a given shelf is covered by products in width.
- Free Shelf Length - how much free space is left in the shelf width-wise.
- Shelf Height Coverage - what percentage of the shelf is covered by products in height.
- Free Shelf Height - how much space in height is left in the shelf.
- Type of value (e.g. Turnover) - how much turnover is generated by the products on the shelf.
- Type of value (Not Placed) (e.g. Turnover (Not Placed)) - how much turnover is generated by the products that are not placed from the template to the shelf.
- Type of value (Not Placed Share) (e.g., Turnover (Not Placed Share)) - what share of turnover is accounted for by not placed products in the turnover of all products from a given shelf.
The third shelf of the observed planogram is 98.63% covered in width and has 1.3 cm of free space in width. In height, the shelf is 68.06% covered and has 11.5 cm of free space in height. At the same time, this shelf generates a total turnover of CZK 21 144.20 for the selected period. However, some products were not placed from the planogram template into the final planogram and these products generated a total of 441.99 CZK turnover. The share of these unplaced products on all products from this shelf (placed and unplaced) is 2.05% (441.99/(21 144.20+441.99)).
Sales data are always shown for the period set in the Project / Sales Data Settings menu. For more information, see the manual Sales Data Settings in the Project Editor.